HomeFondazioneThe Organization

The Organization

The Foundation is governed and managed by an Executive Board the aim of which is to provide both for the heritage conservation and the realization of the statutory purposes. According to the Foundation possibilities, the Executive Board establishes the practical activities with due regard for the purpose. The President is a member of the Executive Board and holds the legal representation of the Foundation toward third parties.

The first President was Professor Marcello Comel, the Founder. The President convenes and presides over the Executive Board, he implements its decisions, he supervises the proper running of the Foundation. The Foundation is allowed to be recipient of public or private contributions and donations in any capacity including donations, bequests and legacy. This applies even to fixed assignments (as in the case of the organization of a training course, the publication of a work, etc…)

The Executive Board is allowed to constitute a Scientific Board for a minimum of three members to coordinate the respective areas of expertise. The members are selected by the Board among people with professional and/or scientific and/or cultural prominence and able to contribute towards the Foundation purposes and transpose them. The Scientific Committee acts as the Executive Board Counselor. The Scientific Committee is entitled to make proposals and suggest initiatives as part of the Foundation purposes, to prepare reading materials and to collaborate scientifically and on a cultural level, to prepare and realize the Foundation purposes providing the scientific and cultural direction of the Foundation itself.

The Executive Board designates an Auditor or a Board of Control to verify the proper maintenance of the writings and the cash activities. The position in the Board of Control is not compatible with any other assignment in the Foundation.

Positions in the Foundation: normally all positions, except for the operational and control ones, are intended on a voluntary basis, according to the Foundator’s ethical approach, in harmony with this view, the matching of intelligence, willingness and enthusiasm for the research, the progress and human sublimation should be led by liberty and the idea to serve, essential both in science and art.